Widen provides classroom education through our partner colleges for wide range of course. There is multi-sensory appeal while taking a classroom education where students can listen to instructor and participate in face to face discussion and ask along the way. The focus level would be at higher level and student benefit from face-to-face interaction experienced in classroom. In addition, tradition education gives student access to guidance counselors and professor for additional assistance.It is possible to complete the full qualification for some courses, and use it for partial completion for others. WIDEN facilitates between students and the providers so make the process easy and pleasant. WIDEN also assists in assessing your previous study and experience so that you do not have to repeat anything and obtain the qualification as fast as possible.
We compare fees and facilities with our providers and try to provide you the best option in terms of fees, service and other factors.
Benefits of Classroom Education
1. Spot practical help can be obtained in the subject matter.
2. Working with other learner provides sharing experience and social interaction.
3. Learning experience is more engaging, interesting and fun.
4. Instant help with correcting mistake and making it right.
5. Tutor will get chance to know student better.